Monday, January 2, 2017

DAY 2 - 30 in 30 Daily Painting Challenge "Undiscovered"

DAY 2- 30 in 30 Daily Painting Challenge January 2017 (#2)

I have been working on this painting for awhile.  It's very much out of my comfort zone and out of my head.  It's been fun to add all the little stories in the painting.  It still has work to do, I am not sure I'll ever be happy enough with it as it is out of my head rather than trying to duplicate a photograph.

It's 16x20


  1. OMG Kyla! I had a fever once when I was in college, and I still remember laying on the couch, and thinking... that if I could just take off my skin, I would feel better. CRAZY right! High five for dreaming this up, just love the reflection ;)

  2. Kudos for your bravery and a thank you for inspiring me to take more risks in my painting! A W E S O M E.

    1. Thanks so much for the support, I'm glad to hear I can be apart of someone's positive growth in their art! A lot of things scare me but I am learning to push through and be bold. 😊
