Saturday, February 3, 2018

Day 3 of 30 in 30 Daily Painting Challenge

Day 3- 5x5 oil- Mini Mushroom collection theme

I like how this one turned out. 

I noticed yesterday that I felt a small sense of fulfillment and a slice of peace with finishing a painting and/or felting every day for the last few days.  I have not had this positive sense for a long time.  I have been having a really hard time lately with failure and being lost but I am finding this challenge is giving me a small piece of happy success within my failures and struggles.  


  1. Kyla, right there with you. For a while now, I have been producing, less than satisfying pieces. I was hoping the challenge would change that, and I think it will. But off to a rough start, LOL. One out of four is not a good percentage.
    I love these happy, warm, glowing mushrooms. So pretty! Sweet, and they just make me smile. Happy creating to you... keep painting Kyla ;)


    1. Kyla CorbettFebruary 7, 2018 at 3:15 AM
      Thanks again! Your paintings are going wonderfully! I love the mixed media and colorful, cheerful paintings you've been posting. You're an inspiration to many with your dedication and your positive support.
